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The Friends of Blackwater is a nonprofit citizens support group for Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) near Cambridge, Maryland. Together with our partners, we provide vital fundraising, volunteer, and advocacy support to help make Blackwater NWR one of the best refuges in America's National Wildlife Refuge System. Learn more about how you can join, donate, or volunteer with us.

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Board of Directors

The Friends of Blackwater NWR recently elected new board members and new officers. Read about the new board and the amazing people who have joined to make Blackwater a better Refuge!

Refuge Photo Contest Opens Feb. 1

The Blackwater NWR Photo Contest will run from February 1 to March 31, 2025. Visit our photo contest page for details on enterting for both adults and youth. Youth enter for free.

Watch Wildlife Cams

As the winter waterfowl season begins, visit our wildlife cameras to check out the action at the Refuge.

Eagle Festival Canceled

The Eagle Festival has been canceled due to avian flu at the Refuge. We hope the event will return next year.

Share your images!

Do you have a great image from Blackwater NWR? Be sure to visit our online gallery of images and videos from Blackwater NWR. You can submit a photo or video for inclusion in our gallery or you can share your photos and videos with us on our Friends of Blackwater Facebook page. Show us what you've got!

Blackwater NWR image gallery

What is a national wildlife refuge?

You might be surprised to learn that national wildlife refuges are different than national parks. The National Wildlife Refuge System is the only system of federal lands devoted specifically to wildlife. While national wildlife refuges provide recreational opportunities for people, they also provide habitat for more than 700 species of birds, 220 species of mammals, 250 reptile and amphibian species, and more than 1,000 species of fish. More than 380 threatened or endangered plants or animals are protected on wildlife refuges. Each year, millions of migrating birds use refuges as stepping stones while they fly thousands of miles between their summer and winter homes. Learn more about America's National Wildlife Refuge System at

Red-tailed hawk on Refuge System "blue goose" sign. Credit: George Gentry/USFWS